Thursday, September 11, 2008

10 Eco-Best and Worst Fish

Fish is always good to consume for people’s health, especially pregnant women and children. Even, we can still question it. Are all fish always healthy for people? That should become our concern nowadays since our environment isn’t as green as it was a hundred years ago. By knowing what kinds of fish are healthy to consume, that will be a smart thing to do. At least, that’s for our knowledge sake.

I will summarize the 10 Eco-Best Fish and the 10 Eco-Worst Best Fish. So, you will still have fun and a good time with your family, friends, or business partners when you dine together in a restaurant, and feel free to order fish menu.

The 10 Eco-Best Fish
When you’re ordering seafood, choose fish that are good for you and the ocean.

1. Anchovies

2. Char, Arctic (farmed)
(a.k.a. Salvelinus alpinus, alpine char, lake)

3. Mackerel, Atlantic
(a.k.a. Scomber scombrus, common mackerel, Boston mackerel, caballa)

4. Oysters (Farmed)

5. Sablefish (Alaska, Canada)
(a.k.a. Anoplopoma fimbria, black cod, butterfish, skil, skilfish, beshow, coalfish)

6. Salmon, Wild (Alaska)

7. Sardines, Pacific (U.S.)
(a.k.a. Sardinops sagax, Pacific pilchard, South American pilchard)

8. Trout, Rainbow (Farmed)
(a.k.a. Oncorhynchus mykiss, steelhead, coastal rainbow trout, silver trout)

9. Tuna, Albacore (U.S., Canada)
(a.k.a. Thunnus alalunga, germon, longfinned tuna, albecor, t. gero)

10. Mussels
(a.k.a. Mytilus edulis, bay mussel)

The 10 Eco-Worst Fish
Avoid these fish -- eating them is not good for the ocean and, in many cases, your own health

1. Atlantic Cod (a.k.a. Gadus morhua, rock cod, codling, scrod cod)
2. Chilean Sea Bass
3. Monkfish
4. Orange Roughy
5. Farmed Atlantic Salmon
6. Shark - (Carcarhinus limbatus) or shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
7. Imported Shrimps and Prawns
8. Imported Swordfish
9. Bigeye/Yellowfin Tuna (Imported Longline)
10. Bluefin Tuna

If you still eager to know more information about these best and worst fish, you can read it on: (The Best Fish) (The Worst Fish)

Sources: Environmental Defense Fund

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