Thursday, September 11, 2008

CPA Exam's 18 month period

This time, i'll talk about the 18 month period of CPA exam definition and how it exactly applies for anybody who will take CPA exam. Next time i'll share any other important information.

The Board of Accountancy statement states,"A candidate must pass all four sections of the CPA exam with a rolling 18 month period, which begins on the date s/he passes a section. In other words, s/he must pass the other three sections of the exam within 18 months of when s/he passes the first section. If s/he doesn't pass all sections within the 18 month period, credit for any section(s) passed outside the 18 month period will expire and the section(s) must be retaken."

To make you more understand if you're confused about that statement above, i'll give you an example: Assume, I'll take 2 parts in one window on January 15th. Then, i pass both of them. My 18 month period begins on January 15th. Another then, if, after 18 month period is over, and i still have one part left, what will happen? The first 2 parts that i already pass on January 15th are needed to be retaken.

Now, if you want to ask more critically, how about if i just pass either one of those parts that i take on January 15th? As long as i pass either one, my 18 month clock will always start to begin from the day i take those parts. For another part you fail, you have to retake in any other given windows. Remember: You CAN'T retake the same part on the same window. Why? You should know the answer. That is very reasonable. Ha....ha....

Then, how about if i fail both of them on January 15? The 18 month period won't begin if i fail both of them, no matter how many times i fail. Why? Because NASBA will be happy if i fail 100x because they will make more fulus. :) :) Ha..ha...

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